Friday April 8th and on
Berwout got sick on Friday and stayed in bed all day. I took care of him until he passed it on to me on Sunday. From here on we were both sick in bed and couldn't go to school. Luckily the classes we missed were not as important anymore because we mostly had projects to hand in at the end of the week. But because we were sick we couldn't work on these projects... After explaining the situation to our teachers we got an extension and could work on it when we felt better.
We handed everything in successfully at the end of the week and now had time to study for our upcoming final exams. I officially have three final exams but for one course the exam is optional if your grade is a B or higher. My grade is apparently an A+, so I decided to to take that exam. Now I only have two exams to do, but they're both on Monday.
Monday April 18th
Final exam day and it's even 18C!
My first exam is Mobile App Development, which was an interesting course to follow but the exam is given on paper... I am totally not used to doing programming tests on paper. It requires you to remember every little syntax of code while normally you get to google these things. Even our teacher would not be able to write so much code from his head, because in class he would always have to google the answers to his examples... Besides that, I think I did alright on the exam.
The next exam I had was Hardware, which required me to know a lot about routers, switches and ip addresses. This course itself was a fun course to follow and had very nice teachers, but the final exam was pretty hard in comparison to the in class exercises. Overall I do think I did well on it.
The only thing left that I need to do for school is hand in a project and the end of this week. After that I'm all done! Then I get to relax and do some more sightseeing before we go traveling!
Well done